Secondary Drama Workshops


Mask Madness

Mask Making And Performance

Create your own character, make your own mask and perform a short devised performance with it. From its origins in Commedia dell'arte to modern day cartoon capers, this workshop is fun, artistic and hilariously funny.

Aimed at: Year 7

Duration: Full or half day (morning or afternoon)

Provider: Hilary

Notes: serving the South East only



Full Mask Performing for Students

This workshop is an engaging and fast-paced session that introduces students to mask theatre, showing how to create characters, develop clarity in communication and devise original work, empowering students to create their own mask theatre and gain a better understanding of theatre vocabulary needed for the written elements of GCSE/AS/A level drama.


  • familiarise students with the basic rules of performing in full mask, focusing on physical clarity
  • develop students’ understanding of specific performance elements such as movement, gesture and pace, and how this helps in creating character and communicating intention
  • teach students important mask techniques such as internal monologue, clocking, punctuated movement and stillness
  • build  students’ confidence in the devising process, and encourage them to think creatively and clearly
  • encourage students to consider, and be able to critique, the importance of the performer/audience relationship

Aimed at: secondary

Duration: 1 hour to a full day or multiple day residency

Provider: Vamos Theatre

Notes: covers UK & International


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