Primary Drama Workshops


Performance Poetry Day

You can choose the poems that your classes are already studying or pick n Mix from:- Reception/Yr 1 - The Circus is in Town Yr 2 - Roald Dahl's Revolting Rhymes Yr 3 & 4 - The Pied Piper of Hamlin Yr 5 - 4 o' Clock Friday & Timothy Winters Yr 6 - Roger McGough Poems

Aimed at: Reception to Year 6

Duration: Full day

Provider: Hilary

Notes: serving the South East only



The Pied Piper of Hamelin

An interactive workshop that takes children through the whole story using mime, freeze-frames, improvisation, hotseating and meetings. Children work in role as rats, townspeople, children, and ‘the corporation’ using language from the original text. The workshop encourages lively debate on making and breaking promises and whether the Pied Piper’s actions were justified. Brilliant inspiration for English lessons.

Aimed at: Years 4, 5 and 6

Duration: 75 minutes

Provider: Arts On The Move


First World War Poetry

Starting with the discovery of an old suitcase we uncover the story of one of the most famous of the war poets - Wilfred Owen. We then go on to look at the poems of other war poets such as Siegfried Sassoon and Rupert Brooke, bringing a number of poems to life through drama role play and ending with the chance for pupils to write their own first world war poems.

Aimed at: Year 5 upwards

Duration: Full or half day

Provider: Hilary

Notes: serving the South East only



The Highwayman

Using a range of drama strategies, participants will explore Alfred Noyes’ romantic ballad poem to deepen understanding of plot, setting character and figurative language. The workshop will culminate in a whole class ensemble performance of the poem, using tableau, improvisation, sound effects and spoken word.

Aimed at: Year 5 / Year 6

Duration: Half day (morning or afternoon)

Provider: Peter Kennedy


0161 881 2607

07969 240 733

The Pied Piper Of Hamelin

Improvisation And Performance

"Rats - they fought the dogs and killed the cats and bit the babies in the cradles…" Travel through this wondrous story acting out various characters, including the rats. Follow the Pied Piper as he goes inside the mountain. You decide whether to return or not from this mystical, magical journey.

Aimed at: Years 2, 3, 4, 5 & 6

Duration: Half day (morning or afternoon)

Provider: Hilary

Notes: serving the South East only



Poems from Pictures

Developed as an extension the National Literacy Trust's "Picture the Poet" national tour, Poems from Pictures uses visual stimuli to help children create original pieces of poetry. Focusing on free writing and promoting group work, the workshops encourage pupils to make observations about a shared stimulus or topic and then to develop a fun series of poems from it. Pupils can then evaluate, edit & develop their work into short pieces of performance which can be shared with the rest of the school if you wish.

Aimed at: Reception - Year 6

Duration: Half or full days available on request

Provider: Paul Jenkins


07772 524357

KS1 Poetry Into Performance

Children bring a short seasonal poem to life using sounds and movement. Children mime actions and create sound orchestras to produce a mini performance. Seasonal poems include spring (flowers growing), autumn (night time) and summer (the seaside). Great cross-curricular links include PE, dance, music, my world, nature.

Aimed at: Key Stage 1

Duration: 30-45 minutes

Provider: Arts On The Move


World War 1 Workshop

'Poetry Into Performance'

A powerful World War 1 poem by Siegfried Sassoon is brought to life through freezes, sound effects, role play and mime. Pupils are encouraged to explore the meaning behind the lines, the rhythm of the language and the aims of the poet, and will gain some understanding of the impact of 'The Great War'.

Aimed at: Years 5, 6 & 7

Duration: 75 minutes

Provider: Arts On The Move


+44 (0) 7932551137

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